Tuesday, September 25, 2007

So close....

I lost 2.8 this week! I did not think it would be that much, but of course that's awesome. I'm 3 lbs. away from my 10%. I know I probably won't hit it this week, but I'm trying my hardest. I'm really close to TOM, and I don't want to get discouraged. So we'll see. My brother and his family just got into town, so I'm going to try and be really good about my eating this weekend, because you know how it is when you're family's around. It's like all they want to frickin' do is eat! And not healthy foods either. I started my new job and so far it's going well. I haven't even gone in to the cafeteria because I don't want to be tempted not to bring my own healthy lunch. We'll see how long that lasts. That damn grilled cheese will be calling my name, and we might have to have a quickie in the back corner where no one can see.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Finally doing it....

I decided to suck it up (and in!!) and post some pictures. We went to the Pacific Science Center and to the Space Needle yesterday. My friend and her son had never been there, so even though I've lived here all my life, it was fun to be a little "touristy" I did go to Dick's though, which is a hamburger joint that is pretty popular. All they serve is burgers and fries for pretty cheap, but it's super good. So I used my flex points and splurged. It was a lot of walking though, so I think I earned an activity point or two.
I'm excited and nervous because I start a new job tomorrow. I'm still with the same company, just a completely different department. I'm also going back to full time. I loved staying home with Tyler, but it'll be nice to have the extra money because I know soon he's going to want to do more things and it'll be nice to take a vacation or something. I think it will also help with my eating because I know when I'm home, sometimes I eat just because I can. Even with WW, I'll think, oh I need a snack, and it's just more convenient for me to eat. Like I said, excited but nervous. Well, I'm going jeans shopping (!!!) because mine right now are a little baggy in the butt as my husband informed me. I hate shopping for pants, but at least it's for a better reason than before!!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Up 1.2 lbs...

But it's okay, because I was ready for it. Our meeting last night was really awesome, and I'm so glad that our leader is back!! He talked about focusing more on the outcomes we are looking to achieve. This was great for me because I was just saying how bored I've gotten and I haven't been looking ahead at what I want to accomplish now. I'm hungry now, so I'm going to eat more....Now I'm reminded to look at a week from now, how will I feel if I eat that (fill in doughnut/cheese quesadilla/whatever happens to be sitting in front of me) So I'm glad to be back on track, and happy to see how well everyone else is doing. That's a nice bit of motivation as well.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Bad blogger, bad!!

I haven't been very good about blogging lately. Maybe it directly corresponds to my lack of tracking. Well, not total lack, but I haven't been as good as I normally am. I hadn't given up totally, and I was still losing...It was like I just hit a little bit of a bump. I've been really bored with what I'm eating lately. I eat the same things every week, I walk the same path with my buddy....I just got kinda bored all around. But I'm glad to be back. I realized how important it is to track and I've found some really great recipes. I know everyone pretty much knows Roni, and I love her recipes. She's a genius. So I weigh in tonight and we'll see how I did. I've hit the 15 pound mark, so I reallllyy hope I don't go backwards. I'm so close to crossing over into the 180's. And I finally got an unsolicited comment about my weight loss!! About frickin time!! I'll post again later once I weigh in. I'm going to go catch up on all my favorite blogs in the mean time.

Saturday, September 1, 2007


I don't know how most of you feel about meetings, but when my friend and I first started, we didn't think we were going to be staying for the meetings. We planned on just weighing in, staying for that first meeting, and then only weighing in after that. But we absolutely LOVED our leader, and we've stayed for all the meetings since then. Last Monday our leader was on vacation and the leader that filled in...well, I don't mean to be a downer, but she sucked. All we talked about for the whole meeting was how many points different restaurants were. I know the point she was trying to make was that what you might think is the best choice really isn't. Like you think you're being healthy because you pick the chicken sandwich, but then you find out it actually had more points than the double cheeseburger you really wanted in the first place. I told my friend I felt like the motto of that meeting was "just eat the double cheeseburger" and that wasn't what I needed after my weekend of splurging. We left feeling not very motivated. And I can honestly say I feel like it made a difference in how my week went. I didn't feel encouraged or inspired like I do from my normal leader. I guess there wasn't really a point to this message, just that I miss my leader and want him to hurry up and come back. And that I didn't realize how important a good leader is in my weight loss journey.