Sunday, September 23, 2007

Finally doing it....

I decided to suck it up (and in!!) and post some pictures. We went to the Pacific Science Center and to the Space Needle yesterday. My friend and her son had never been there, so even though I've lived here all my life, it was fun to be a little "touristy" I did go to Dick's though, which is a hamburger joint that is pretty popular. All they serve is burgers and fries for pretty cheap, but it's super good. So I used my flex points and splurged. It was a lot of walking though, so I think I earned an activity point or two.
I'm excited and nervous because I start a new job tomorrow. I'm still with the same company, just a completely different department. I'm also going back to full time. I loved staying home with Tyler, but it'll be nice to have the extra money because I know soon he's going to want to do more things and it'll be nice to take a vacation or something. I think it will also help with my eating because I know when I'm home, sometimes I eat just because I can. Even with WW, I'll think, oh I need a snack, and it's just more convenient for me to eat. Like I said, excited but nervous. Well, I'm going jeans shopping (!!!) because mine right now are a little baggy in the butt as my husband informed me. I hate shopping for pants, but at least it's for a better reason than before!!!


Leslie said...

You look great! and your son is adorable :)

The Price's Wife said...

Shopping for "skinny" pants is always awesome!!! You are too cute!