Tuesday, September 25, 2007

So close....

I lost 2.8 this week! I did not think it would be that much, but of course that's awesome. I'm 3 lbs. away from my 10%. I know I probably won't hit it this week, but I'm trying my hardest. I'm really close to TOM, and I don't want to get discouraged. So we'll see. My brother and his family just got into town, so I'm going to try and be really good about my eating this weekend, because you know how it is when you're family's around. It's like all they want to frickin' do is eat! And not healthy foods either. I started my new job and so far it's going well. I haven't even gone in to the cafeteria because I don't want to be tempted not to bring my own healthy lunch. We'll see how long that lasts. That damn grilled cheese will be calling my name, and we might have to have a quickie in the back corner where no one can see.


The Price's Wife said...

Congrats on getting so close to your 10%! That is a huge accomplishment!!

Leslie said...

Hello Ashley :)

Where are youuuuuuuuu - I check your blog everyday and miss seeing your posts!! Hope everything's ok... understand not wanting to post, especially if you've fallen off the wagon, per se... I do that too... but would love to know how you're doing - whether it's badly or great!!