Thursday, August 30, 2007

Good Day

My mom and I took Ty to the downtown farmer's market today. We also went to the Children's Museum again because it was free. It was a lot of fun - and a lot of walking, some uphill while pushing the stroller. I also walked with my buddy tonight so I'm glad I got some activity points in. I got some great veggies and yummy peaches. I'm trying really hard to find some different healthy things to make for dinner. I've been trying to find things that hubby and the almost-two-year-old will eat, but that's always a challenge. I just hate having to cook one meal just for me and sometimes hubby and then a separate one for Ty. I love Roni's page because she comes up with the best meal ideas. I wish I was that creative. Tomorrow I'm taking my Mom to get a pedicure because we missed her birthday while she was visiting my brother and family in CA. ***Sidenote: My brother is in the Air Force and we just found out he will be getting stationed up here at the end of Sept!!! I am so excited since he has been in for 20 years and is finally getting stationed near home. They have four kids - two older boys and then a twin boy and girl. I am really excited for Ty to have his cousins here. Plus it means big fun holidays (hold the food please!!!) so that's really exciting. Anyway, I'm going to check my favorite blogs and then head off to bed.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I had an "aha" moment

I was reading a blog entry today and the blogger was mentioning how she doesn't like to be photographed because she worries about her weight in the pictures. I smiled to myself in that knowing way we all have when we read someone else's blog and think "yeah, I know how that goes!" I don't even want to post a picture on my blog yet. But then I started thinking about how I try not to be in pictures because I don't want someone thinking how fat I look. And I realized that I'm very rarely in my son's pictures. I took that one when we went to the zoo, but when we went on vacation: no pictures of me. Went to the sprayground: no pictures of me. Went to the Children's Museum: no pictures of me. And I started to cry. Because I don't want my son to look back and not have any pictures of all the fun things he did with his mommy all because she thought she looked too fat. I was up 2.4 lbs at weigh in and I did not think I had gained that much AT ALL! So I am officially remotivated (if that's not a word, it is now!) So thank you to that blogger (I think she knows who she is!) for opening my eyes to a very important part of my life I am missing out on!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Holy Red Lobster, Batman!!

I think I used all of my flex points and maybe a few from next week as well. I ate, drank and was merry. And a little bit hung over. But it was ohhh sooo goood. My parents took Ty overnight and hubby and I went out with his BIL and fiancee. We went to Red Lobster for dinner. I swear officer, I had every intention of eating what I should. But then I ordered a fuzzy navel....just one. And then the shrimp trio. Seafood's healthy, right? Even if it's soaked in butter, alfredo, and deep fried? I mean, I got some omega acid out of it or whatever, right? That's what I tried telling myself. I won't even talk about the cheddar biscuits (Notice the plural?) And then we went to a bar. And then a different bar. And then a bar that had really cheap appetizers and munchies. Well, I'm a little scared to weigh in tomorrow. But you know what? I've done such a good job so far and I just felt like I needed to have a night off. I've done great today, and I'm sure I'll do great the rest of the week, so I'm trying not to feel guilty and give up because of one night. What's really funny is that my buddy called while I was out on my rampage and said she was feeling guilty because she ate some tortilla chips at Chevy's. I didn't have the heart to tell her about my debauchery. And hey, at least I wasn't cheating on my husband this time, because he was with me through the whole thing. No food hiding for me!! It was all out in the open!!! Well, I better go to bed because I've been trying to go to bed early for the last month, and so far I haven't been to bed before eleven. Maybe tonight. Yeah, and maybe tomorrow I'll wake up skinny.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


My mom and I took Ty to the zoo yesterday, and I was really excited because when she took my picture with him, my face didn't look so chubby any more. Don't get me wrong, it's still chubby - just not AS chubby. Which was a nice change. Of course my boobs are still the same. I'm starting to notice my body slimming down a little bit, but not the girls. They are still as big as ever. Not in a good way either. Hubby is happy of course, but I'm really not. And I'm also starting to worry about the skin factor. After I had Ty, I had so much flippin skin!! I still do - it's kind of ridiculous. Now I'm wondering what will happen after I lose the weight. I've never really thought about surgery, but looking down at my tummy makes me reconsider. I'd have to wait though because I know we want at least one more child, but I think that will definitely be in the back of my mind. I'm so tired the words are blurring together a bit, so I'll try and write more tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Ticket to Onederland, please!

That's right, I have crossed over. I weighed in last night and lost 2.4 lbs, which puts me at alllmmoooost 10 lbs. I was so close. But even more exciting: I'm out of the 200's. Even if it's only a tiny bit, I don't even care! My vacation this weekend was not as bad as I thought it would be. I think the most important thing that helped was that I didn't deprive myself of anything. I just had a little portion or a little taste and I really didn't feel like I was missing out on anything. I ate tons of this fruit salad with mint and lime juice - it was sooo good. And I danced my rear off at the wedding, so I even threw in a few activity points. I'm off today and I'm actually excited to go grocery shopping because I have some new recipes I want to try out. I think I might finally be getting it.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Where am I?!?!

Goodness gracious, I'm finally able to sit down!! Ty has been really sick for about a week now. It started out as a runny nose, no biggie. Then all of a sudden he was running a high fever and really lethargic. He was breaking out in hives all over, but then two minutes later, he'd be fine. I took him into the doctor, but they couldn't figure out what was going on. They finally just said he probably has a virus that he is allergic to as well. Yay. So that has meant many sleepless nights with the Cranky One (weird how they always seem to be sick at night, then the sun hits and it's like nothing happened) Anyway, I still lost 1.6 at my last weigh in (can you hear the angels, because I sure can) I was really worried that I had gained because I wasn't the best tracker while I was taking care of Ty. I am so excited though because my husband's sister is getting married this weekend, and I found a very flattering dress to wear. If they know what's good for them, someone WILL ask me if I have lost any weight. I told my husband if no one does, it's his job to mention it, hopefully prompting a comment. Downside is: his family is Hawaiian and they always have tons of yummy food. My plan is that I don't want to completely deprive myself, so I'll have a taste of my favorites, and then there should be enought fresh fruit and veggies to fill in the rest. His mom makes this really yummy haupia cake, but I'm scared to look up the points because I think one of the main ingredients is coconut milk. Enough said. Well, we are leaving ridiculously early tomorrow, so I better get my rear in gear. Have a great reast of the week and weekend!