Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Where am I?!?!

Goodness gracious, I'm finally able to sit down!! Ty has been really sick for about a week now. It started out as a runny nose, no biggie. Then all of a sudden he was running a high fever and really lethargic. He was breaking out in hives all over, but then two minutes later, he'd be fine. I took him into the doctor, but they couldn't figure out what was going on. They finally just said he probably has a virus that he is allergic to as well. Yay. So that has meant many sleepless nights with the Cranky One (weird how they always seem to be sick at night, then the sun hits and it's like nothing happened) Anyway, I still lost 1.6 at my last weigh in (can you hear the angels, because I sure can) I was really worried that I had gained because I wasn't the best tracker while I was taking care of Ty. I am so excited though because my husband's sister is getting married this weekend, and I found a very flattering dress to wear. If they know what's good for them, someone WILL ask me if I have lost any weight. I told my husband if no one does, it's his job to mention it, hopefully prompting a comment. Downside is: his family is Hawaiian and they always have tons of yummy food. My plan is that I don't want to completely deprive myself, so I'll have a taste of my favorites, and then there should be enought fresh fruit and veggies to fill in the rest. His mom makes this really yummy haupia cake, but I'm scared to look up the points because I think one of the main ingredients is coconut milk. Enough said. Well, we are leaving ridiculously early tomorrow, so I better get my rear in gear. Have a great reast of the week and weekend!

1 comment:

The Price's Wife said...

Hey, hope all is going well for you!