Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Down 1.2

I lost 1.2 lbs. last week. Part of me hoped I'd lose more, but the other part knew I wouldn't because I didn't make the best choices for how I used my points. Oh well, it's a new week. And overall I've hit the 5 lb mark - 5.8 to be exact, so that's very exciting. We're walking the big trail again tonight, but this time we're walking the opposite way, which means bigger hills, but the hilly part is shadier and cooler. So we'll see how that goes. I have never been a runner, but one of my long (very long) term goals is to run this trail. I see people doing it all the time, but I've never even dreamed of doing something like that. But one day, I'm going to do it. But for now, we'll just focus on walking it.


Anonymous said...

congrats on making it over the 5lb mark!! :-) And I think a 1.2 loss is wonderful! Congratulations!!

The Price's Wife said...

Congrats on the loss. You are on your way!!!

Sonya said...

Congrats on getting your first 5 pound star!!!! That's great!