Saturday, July 14, 2007

Yay for the weekend!

I had a great morning at work (I work four hours on Saturday) and tonight I made it through the day with one point still left over. Tom and I went for a really nice walk this evening. We put Ty in his new stroller and walked for about forty minutes. We took our dog too, but she's a corgi and has really short little legs, so she was really tired by the end. We put her in the basket underneath the stroller and she rode in there for about five minutes and then decided she could carry on. I had to laugh at myself because I'm always really self conscious when people say anything to me about exercising - even like a simple little comment - because I jump to the conclusion that they are saying I need to exercise (which obviously I do, but soooo not the point). So there's this guy pushing a stroller coming towards us. We smile and say hi, and then he says "yeah, gotta get out and get that exercise, huh?" Well of course, in my head I'm like, "um, is he implying that I'm a fat ass and need to get out and walk more?" I told Tom this, and he promptly told me to stop it because the guy was just trying to be nice. =) I was thinking that I will be so happy when I can stop obsessing about food and my weight, but then I realized this will probably be a life long challenge for me, so I need to hush up that little voice in my head that spouts off negativity. I used to stuff her face with food to shut her up, now I'll have to find something else.

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