Monday, July 30, 2007

What a weekend!

I don't even know where to start. I have been walking with my buddy a couple nights a week, and last night was a pretty cool evening, so we decided to tackle a new walking/biking trail they put in near our house. It's about 3.5 miles, and let me tell you it is MAJOR. The hills were killing us. I had to laugh (at the end after the sweat was drying and my breathing didn't sound like a freight train) because as we were chugging along, I was pushing Ty in the stroller, and he kepy leaning forward and pointing and shouting "GO GO GO!!!" People were like encouraging us saying how brutal it can be. But we did it!! Our faces were beet red and boy were we sweaty, but it was good bonding. I also shared with her my new favorite snacks: The Fiber One chocolate oat bars and also a wedge of Laughing Cow light spreadable cheese and reduced fat triscuits. Yum. One wedge + seven triscuits = 3 points!

(If you're squeamish, you might want to stop here. It's nothing too bad, but I thought I'd throw in the disclaimer just in case.)

Then I came home and got out my new mandolin slicer. (There are some of you who may already know where this story is headed.) I was so excited to use it because I was going to use it to chop up veggies and fruit to keep in the fridge for the week. Yeah, I sliced the tip of my pinkie finger off. Not the whole entire finger, but a substantial bit of my finger is now gone and won't grow back. I was horrified. I still am. I have been wounded in my quest for health and weight loss. I couldn't look, I just felt that I'd cut myself, grabbed a paper towl and wrapped my finger in it and went to find my husband. I must have been totally shocked, because I found him and said "please, don't say I told you so or anything smart, but I cut my finger and I can't look at it." Then I started crying. There was a lot of blood, and it hurts. A lot. And I can't look at cucumber slices because that's what I was cutting, and I'm a little scarred now I think. Tom had to throw away the plate of them for me. I asked if they could glue everything back together (my finger, not the cucumbers), but everyone looked at me like I had lost it. Other than that debacle, I had a good weekend point wise. I have my weigh in tonight, so I'll post the results later.

1 comment:

Healthy Pear said...

I just found your blog and read today's post. First I was cheering for you on doing that killer hike -which you did an amazing job on by the way! Then my hands came up to my face as I kept reading on and... OH YOU POOR THING! What an awful thing to have happen to your finger! I hope it will heal well for you. Take care and don't go near the veggie slicer! :)