Monday, July 9, 2007

The Beginning

Well, this is my official commitment. I don't want to be fat anymore. I've been checking out a few other weight loss blogs, and I decided that I was going to chronicle my weight loss and the issues that come along with it. I've never been very good at holding myself accountable when it comes to losing weight. I always swore that I would never be a fat mom. I was going to be the hip, skinny, fun mom that everyone else wanted to be. Somehow along the road, I became fat, frumpy mom. And I haven't even been a mom that long! EEk!

So here I am. My first goal is to decide how I want to go about this. I'm thinking I might join Weight Watchers because a lot of people have had success with it, and it sounds like it focuses on my main downfall - portion control. I can't just eat one brownie and be done, I have to eat the whole pan. So I'd like to be able to eat what I want, but learn to stop when I've had enough.

Wish me luck.

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