Sunday, August 26, 2007

Holy Red Lobster, Batman!!

I think I used all of my flex points and maybe a few from next week as well. I ate, drank and was merry. And a little bit hung over. But it was ohhh sooo goood. My parents took Ty overnight and hubby and I went out with his BIL and fiancee. We went to Red Lobster for dinner. I swear officer, I had every intention of eating what I should. But then I ordered a fuzzy navel....just one. And then the shrimp trio. Seafood's healthy, right? Even if it's soaked in butter, alfredo, and deep fried? I mean, I got some omega acid out of it or whatever, right? That's what I tried telling myself. I won't even talk about the cheddar biscuits (Notice the plural?) And then we went to a bar. And then a different bar. And then a bar that had really cheap appetizers and munchies. Well, I'm a little scared to weigh in tomorrow. But you know what? I've done such a good job so far and I just felt like I needed to have a night off. I've done great today, and I'm sure I'll do great the rest of the week, so I'm trying not to feel guilty and give up because of one night. What's really funny is that my buddy called while I was out on my rampage and said she was feeling guilty because she ate some tortilla chips at Chevy's. I didn't have the heart to tell her about my debauchery. And hey, at least I wasn't cheating on my husband this time, because he was with me through the whole thing. No food hiding for me!! It was all out in the open!!! Well, I better go to bed because I've been trying to go to bed early for the last month, and so far I haven't been to bed before eleven. Maybe tonight. Yeah, and maybe tomorrow I'll wake up skinny.

1 comment:

The Price's Wife said...

You crack me up... sounds like it was a fun night, and a well deserved splurge!