Wednesday, August 22, 2007


My mom and I took Ty to the zoo yesterday, and I was really excited because when she took my picture with him, my face didn't look so chubby any more. Don't get me wrong, it's still chubby - just not AS chubby. Which was a nice change. Of course my boobs are still the same. I'm starting to notice my body slimming down a little bit, but not the girls. They are still as big as ever. Not in a good way either. Hubby is happy of course, but I'm really not. And I'm also starting to worry about the skin factor. After I had Ty, I had so much flippin skin!! I still do - it's kind of ridiculous. Now I'm wondering what will happen after I lose the weight. I've never really thought about surgery, but looking down at my tummy makes me reconsider. I'd have to wait though because I know we want at least one more child, but I think that will definitely be in the back of my mind. I'm so tired the words are blurring together a bit, so I'll try and write more tomorrow.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

This is a great NSV!!!! It's only us that usually notice the small differences, but I find they make a huge impact, inspiration-wise..

Keep up the good work!