Sunday, July 22, 2007

Falling off the wagon...

I can already see that weekends are going to be a challenge for me. Yesterday wasn't such a great day. (let's just say Dairy Queen and leave it at that. You don't need the gory details.) We are usually out and about on the weekends, which means we end up eating out a lot more. I need to turn off the part of my brain that tells me "if you don't know how many points it is, that means it's no points at all!" And I know it's up to me to make the good choices. Grilled chicken vs. crispy, low fat dressing vs. full fat....I know. Today I tried veggie sausage and I was actually really impressed. It was the little sausage patties - two of them was 4 points, but compared to the real stuff, that's nothing. My son loved them too, so that's a bonus. Okay, I feel better now that I confessed to the Dairy Queen. I'm ready to make better choices today.

1 comment:

The Price's Wife said...

Girl, we ARE the Dairy Queens! That's why we're all on weight watchers!!! Weekends are SO tough for all of us!