Friday, July 13, 2007

I have a buddy!

I absolutely loved my former boss, but she took a great job opportunity at another bank branch. I am happy for her, but I miss her of course. We look very similar and are about the same body type - people coming in the bank always asked if we were sisters or got the two of us mixed up. Anyway, I was chatting with her today and mentioned I have my first weigh in on Monday, and after we talked a while, she decided she is going to join with me. We live very close to one another as well as to an awesome new walking path around a new golf course. I don't think we'll be able to go to weigh ins all the time together because I have a part time schedule, but it will be awesome to have someone to walk with and I get to stay in touch with her. I also tried out the new stroller I got for Tyler and it's a DREAM! Our old stroller was kind of clunky and the wheels got stuck, but this one is really smooth, and the handle part is longer so I stand up straighter when I push it. It was a really great evening to walk. It made me feel much better because I had some chow mein noodles for dinner (not home made, so they were a little greasy), and they really made me feel weighed down. It's funny how even a few days of eating better and getting moving can really make you feel better.

*Also, I've been wanting to try Hummus - I keep hearing about it and seeing it as a snack suggestion, but I've never tried it. So if anyone has a hummus recipe they really like, please share it with me if you wouldn't mind. Thank you!

1 comment:

The Price's Wife said...

Buddies make all of the difference in the world! That's awesome!