Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I'm cheating on my husband....

With food. At least it feels that way sometimes. Confession time: I went to the store a couple days ago, and they had these cute little fruit tarts on sale, buy one get one free. I brought them home and shared the first one with hubby and Ty and myself. But then later on, I heard that second one calling me and of course, I ate it. DH asks what happened to the fruit tart, knowing darn well I ate it. He mentions that there can't be any dessert in the house, because I eat it. So sometimes I hide it, and then I feel so guilty. I'm confused - do I clear out all the sweets? But then I'm scared I'll have a super craving and end up binging. If I have them in the house, can I trust myself not to eat too much? It seems like such a small thing, but in my mind it's this huge burning question. I got some great cherries and watermelon today, so they have been satisfying my sweet tooth. So far, great day. One day at a time.


MMalloy said...

Tough question. My fiance is diabetic so we have sweets in the pantry, I try not to eat them but I find myself dipping my hand into the bag when he isn't looking. I found the best sweet to have is ice cream, satisfying but you need to work for it to get it (bowl, scooper, etc...) If I pick sweets that are ready to eat right out of the binge without even thinking. Good luck!!

Leslie said...

Haha - I coulda wrote this post practically word for word!!! I'm a hider... hate that I do it, and I'm sure my husband wonders WHY I'm overweight cause it sure doesn't LOOK like I eat junk.. but I do/did - he just didn't see it.

I would buy chocolate or something and tell myself i was buying it to share. HA... like I'm fooling anyone... actually like I'm fooling myself, as I wouldn't say it out loud..wouldn't want to confuse the 2 1/2 year old who might ask for it later and I'd have to scramble to make up some lie about why she thought I'd bought chocolate!

If I have it in the house, I panic and HAVE to eat it now so that it's gone. So that I can start *fresh* tomorrow. It's so stupid as usually I would just buy something else the next day cause of course my sugar addiction would kick in.

Anyway, I just can NOT have it in the house. It (and it could be anything - as long as it's not healthy!) calls to me - I can't rest til i have it. Sounds like an addiction to me!!!

I just read this over and feel that I sound like a crazy woman. My mission in life is that my daughter doesn't learn this behavior from me.

Thanks for your comment on my blog - sounds like we're in the same %$&#(@ boat!!

Leslie said...

I LOVE the name of your blog!! love it :)

The Price's Wife said...

Welcome to the club.. although it's not exactly a club you'd WANT to be in... well here you are, and here we are too! You're funny too... so keep blogging and we'll help you to hold yourself accountable. You'll know you're being bad when you stop blogging for a few days or you binge without telling us about it... as long as you stick around you'll be dropping the pounds... By the way, our start weights and goal weights are pretty similar. My high weight was 208.8. I'm 182.6 right now and am looking to get down to 158.

Ashley said...

Thanks for the encouragement ladies...I can't wait to post my first progress report!!