Tuesday, July 17, 2007

My first weigh in!

I had hoped that by some miracle, the Fat Fairy had come and sucked some pounds off so that I would weigh in under 200, but of course that didn't happen. 209.2 is my "official" starting weight. Which technically is better than the 211 I thought I was. I love my leader - it's a guy, which I wasn't totally sure about at first, but he is HILARIOUS. That scores major points with me, so I'm excited. My mom is a lifetime member so she gave me some cool stuff (recipes, books, etc.) to use, which is cool. I used a couple flex points and had an extra piece of pizza (gasp!) but other than that I've been right on point. No late night snacks or hiding...so far =)

1 comment:

The Price's Wife said...

Welcome to the club, it's not exactly one you'd WANT to be in per-se... but your here and you're on your way!!! If I can do this ANYONE can, trust me!