Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Me vs. The Candy Bar

I really like the fact that my employer likes to show that they appreciate their employees, but really. Do they have to give us all a candy bar to show it? And not a mini candy bar, not even a regular sized one. The KING SIZED 100 Grand bar (because they think we're "grand" Cute, huh? Not.) I stared at it for a while, and then I gave it to my coworker next to me. Now you may think, why would you do that to your coworker? Well, he's younger and more in shape than me and I felt bad throwing it away. Watching him eat it was kind of rewarding, because he reallllly enjoyed that candy bar. What would you call that? Eating junk food by proxy? Whatever it is, I didn't eat the candy bar, and for me that's big. It goes back to not eating the office birthday cake. These are usually my downfalls. I've been reading a lot of other blogs lately, and I really have to say that has helped me with this whole process. The feeling of community and the support everyone shares is very inspiring. I grab my water bottle and settle in to read some blogs and it really keeps me from snacking. That seems to be a common feeling I've noticed some other bloggers mentioning, so I just wanted to chime in and say I agree!


Colette said...

See that attitude and innovation is going to make you VERY successful doing weight watchers!! You identified a problem area (chocolate) and MASTERED it!! wooohoo. And I am sure the coworker is thinking "she is so sweet to give me her candy bar".
I don't eat chocolate really at all never have liked it so when they bring it to the doctors office EVERYONE heads to my desk because they know I will ALWAYS give mine away! :0) hummm...maybe thats why I am so popular...LMAO

Leslie said...

Yay for you!!! You stared that candy bar in the eyes and backed off - what a victory!! You know I understand because of my 100 cal chocolate bar fiasco. IF ONLY I coulda just thrown them in the trash :)

Good for you and I wish you luck on your WW journey. I wholeheartedly believe that the community you find among the bloggers is a great resource. I find it hard to share my weight-related issues with my close friends, but on here, I feel I can reveal anything!!!

The Price's Wife said...

Giving away a candy bar is A HUGE stinkin deal! I don't think I could've done it, so good for you!!! It will SO pay off in the long run!

Sonya said...

I just found your blog! Congrats on not eating the chocolate bar, for me it's resisting the warm freshly cooked muffins!!!

I have to agree with you. Reading blogs also helps me. I just created my own recently and am having fun with it.